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Showing posts from October, 2015


James Simpson, a young Scottish lad was born in 1811. He was the 7th child of a Scottish family. Even as a young boy the entire family saw that young James was a genius. And so the 6 other brothers and sisters together with the father who was a baker running in bankruptcy pooled all of their resources together and supported James in his studies. At the age of 14 he graduated from the University of Edinburough. At the age of 16 he got his degree in medicine. At the age of 18 he had his MRCS. At the age of 28 he became a professor. This young man could not forget an incident in his life. He says that when he walked into his first medical classroom he saw a surgery in operation. A woman found herself in a situation wherein one of her limbs had to be amputated. And James said what happened in that room is something that he would never get out of his mind that day. James saw that the limb was sawed and severed from its body and there was no anesthetic. Nothing there to help allevia

The Station

Tucked away in our subconscious minds is an idyllic vision in which we see ourselves on a long journey that spans an entire continent. We‘re traveling by train and, from the windows, we drink in the passing scenes of cars on nearby highways, of children waving at crossings, of cattle grazing in distant pastures, of smoke pouring from power plants, of row upon row of cotton and corn and wheat, of flatlands and valleys, or city skylines and village halls. But uppermost in our minds is our final destination — for at a certain hour and on a given day, our train will finally pull into the station with bells ringing, flags waving, and bands playing. And once that day comes, so many wonderful dreams will come true. So restlessly, we pace the aisles and count the miles, peering ahead, waiting, waiting, waiting for the station. "Yes, when we reach the station, that will be it"! we promise ourselves. "When we‘re eighteen..... win that promotion... put the last kid thro

Getting Out of The Box

Popular author and motivator Zig Ziglar tells us a story. Many people set low ceilings on their expectations and capabilities. In the process, they place themselves in a "box". Alexander Whortley took that a step further and literally lived in a box. It was a minitrailer, three feet wide, four feet long, and five feet high. He lived there until he died at the age of 80. His box was made of wood, had a metal roof, and it housed him and all his meager belongings. Regardless of where he worked, Whortley chose to spend his life in that cramped space, even though larger, more comfortable quarters were always available. Few of us live in a "box". However, too many of us have a tendency to "box" ourselves in and continue to do things one way because we‘ve "always done it this way". In many cases, time and experience have proven that "this way" is the best way. However, I challenge you to periodically take a long walk or quietly sit and

The Tea Cup

There was a couple who used to go to England to shop in the beautiful stores. They both liked antiques and pottery and specially teacups. This was their twentyfifth wedding anniversary. One day in this beautiful shop they saw a beautiful teacup. They said, "May we see that"? We‘ve never seen one quite so beautiful. As the lady handed it to them, suddenly the teacup spoke. "You don‘t understand", it said. I haven‘t always been a teacup. There was a time when I was red and I was clay.  My master took me and rolled me and patted me over and over and I yelled out, "let me alone", but he only smiled, "Not yet". Then I was placed on a spinning wheel, the teacup said, and suddenly I was spun around and around and around. "Stop it! I‘m getting dizzy!" I screamed. But the master only nodded and said, "Not yet". Then he put me in the oven.  I never felt such heat.  I wondered why He wanted to burn me, and I yelled and kno

Make Your Word Your Bond

Broken promises cause the world’s greatest accidents. You can’t make ‘wrong’ work. Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom. Never chase a lie. If you leave it alone, it will run itself to death. Everything you add to the truth, you inevitably subtract from it. A lie will add to your troubles, subtract from your energy, multiply your difficulties and divide your effectiveness. Never view ‘anything’ positively, that makes you break your word. Make your word your bond!

If It's To Be, It's Up To You

One of the most pitiful aspects of society is the really large percentage of people who lead dismal,narrow, darkened lives, crying out against what appears to be a cruel world, which they believe have singled them out for a lifetime of trouble, misery and bad luck. Anyone who finds his/herself in such prison of discontent shoulf face the fact that he has built his prison with his own hands. And unless such a person takes responsibility to change things, his cell will continue to grow smaller, darker and more frightening. The saddest commentaries on human being is our craving to get something or to get the most of the least effort possible. It seems like our natural inclination and programming is to move in the line of least resistance. However, this is the blue print of inevitable dissapointment and bitter regret. Lamentably, many of us continue in this delusive way of thinking and living to our own detriment. Little do we realize that in life, you will never reap what you ha

Learn To Listen

Knowledge doesn’t speak loudly. One of the best ways to persuade others is by listening. Keep your mouth closed and you’ll stay out of trouble. A man is known by the silence he keeps. Don’t miss many valuable opportunities to hold your tongue and listen to what others are saying. Silence is a friend that will never betray you. You don’t learn anything while you’re talking. The truth is that the more you say, the less people remember. The greatest skill you can develop is the skill of listening to others. The man of few words and settled mined is wise. Talk is cheap, because supply exceeds demands. Learn to listen. Don’t talk too much. …be a good listener, your ears will never get you in trouble…

Life Is One Spicy Combo!

...All I am is an ordinary person who strives to ride the wave and live life the best way possible. But somehow every single one of the events in our lives cause some sort of emotion, whether its neutrality, sadness, happiness, etc. Life can be crazy, but life can also be sweet; when it’s all combined together, life is just one spicy combo!  To lose, you dont have to have anything stolen from you, all you have to do is take everything you have for granted. Be grateful for what you have, not sorry for what you don’t have. It’s a sure sign of mediocrity to be moderate with our thanks. Be contented with what you have. Some people are looking forward to have what your have, or wishing they were you.  Thank God for dirty dishses; they have a tale to tell, for by this stack of evidence, God’s very good to us....!

Failure's Successful Strategy...

Failures most successful strategy is "Procrastination". Now is the best time to be alive and productive. If you want to make an easy job seem difficult, just keep putting off doing it. A duty dodged is like a debt unpaid, it is only deferred and we must come back and settle the account at last.  Do not allow idleness to deceive you, for while you give him today, he steals tomorrow from you. Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging-on of an uncompleted task. "Start" is what will set you apart. In the game of life, nothing is less more important than the score at half time. Success comes to the man who does today what others were thinking of doing tomorrow. The lazier a man is, the more he is going to do tomorrow. Tomorrow is the only day in the year that appeals to a lazy man. If you wait too long the future is gone before you get there. 

Mark of Intelligence

People who are proud and self-centered are like arithmetic; they add trouble, subtract pleasure, divide attention, and multiply ignorance. Humility is always the better choice. You can get ideas everywhere. Paul McCartney says: "I used to drive out to John‘s house. He lived out in the country, and I lived in London. I remember asking the chauffeur once if he was having a good week. He said, I'm very busy at the moment. I've been working eight days a week.' And I thought, 'Eight days a week! Now there's a title.' “To have a great idea you need to have lots of ideas. The mark of an intelligent person is his ability to simplify the complicated and the mark of stupidity is the one who complicates the simple. Life is simple. Love God love others.  Bob Dylan says: A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do. Do you love what you do or do you only do what you love?  Succes

Dont Think Out Of The Box..

Not everyone has the right to have a formal education. (some do not have money). But everyone should have the drive to get educated. Do not think out of the box. Get out of the box and do some thinking. As long as the determination is there, there will always be a way. Wisdom should be sought. It would be wise to heed the words of Victor Hugo when he said: "You can resist an approaching army but no one can resist an idea whose time has come! Wisdom is having the ability to read the signs of the times and this has to be sought. It is not given. Anybody who is afraid to look bad is a loser. He is the same person you can beat every time. CNN founder Ted Turner says: If you never quit, you‘re never beaten. Quitters have never won.  Winning has nothing to do with how you look, it has everything to do with your tenacity and resolve to win. The question is not: How do I look? The question is: How am I going to solve this. Somebody says: People are strange: they want the fron

Take Your Limitation With Grace

Take your limitation with grace. Go to work with joy and gladness in your heart today. This just may define your theme for the week. Never mind the critics. Do what is right and not what people say. Take your limitations with grace. Helen Keller (born blind), Albert Einstein (refugee) and Abraham Lincoln (born poor) never complained about their plight. This is why they're great. Live your life to the full. The saddest words in pen or tongue are the words: "It might have been." Life, love and business involve risk taking. Each day is a gift from God and a great adventure to experience. Live your life to the full. There will never be another day like today.

Your Potential Is Your Purpose

Dr Myles Munroe shares a powerful idea that I would like to share with you. He says that the wealthiest places in the world are not the gold mines of South America or the oil fields of Iraq or Iran. They're not the diamond mines of South Africa or the banks of the world. The wealthiest place on the planet is just down the road. It is the cemetery. There lie buried, companies that were never started, inventions that were never made, best-selling books that were never written and masterpieces that were never painted. In the cemetery is buried the greatest treasure of untapped potential. There is a treasure within you that must come out. It is your potential. Don’t go to the grave with your treasure still within you. "There lies within each person a huge reservoir of untapped potential for achievement, success, happiness, health and greater prosperity. It's like an ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled

Love Away Your Imperfections

Remember I said that you need to learn to love yourself exactly as you are? I’m referring to your “flaws” and “imperfections” too! This activity will be difficult for just about everyone, so don’t worry if you feel resistant to it also. One terrible result of low self-esteem is that it makes you see everything about yourself as bad or unacceptable in some way. You create this image of perfection in your mind, knowing that you’ll never measure up to it no matter how hard you try. What you probably fail to realize is that NO ONE could measure up to such ridiculous standards! Over the years, I’ve discovered a foolproof way to make your perceived flaws and imperfections vanish, and I’m going to share it with you now. Love them. Accept them. Embrace them as a small part of a gorgeous, beautiful you. Most likely you are cringing at that suggestion! Most people do. However, you need to learn how to stop judging those parts of you – all parts of you, really. Those parts of yourself ar

The Easiest Thing To Be...

It's been said that the biggest enemy of 'great' is 'good'. The biggest enemy most of us face is 'ourselves'. The nagging voice says: be like him, you're not worthy; do what he does, follow where others are going. When you're trying to be like someone else, the best you can ever be is "second best". The easiest thing to be in the world is YOU. The most difficult thing to be is what other people want you to be. Don't let them put you in that position. Until you make peace with who you are, you will never be content with what you have, which means that if you don't have a plan for your ownlife, you will be the part of someone else's.

You Are a Winner

It all started when you were conceived. 500 million sperm cells had to swim about 20 cm. It would take them about 24 hrs. Some got lost, some died and some gave up. But only one won the race. YOU WON! You were the strongest, fastest, best. You were conceived a Winner. You were not created to be a loser, but a Winner. At conception you proved to the world and to yourself, that you are a Winner. That is what you are. You may not think it or believe it. But it is a fact of your life. You have a race to run. And you were born to win it. You must win your race; achieve your purpose – that’s why you’re here. What you did at conception is the equivalent of running 800 Comrades Marathons (87 kilometers) in 24 hrs. It's like running a 70,000 kilometer race in 24 hrs. You can do anything! Concept in a humorous but empowering way during one of my motivational speeches. Never quit. Even when it gets tough. And it will get tough. You will face challenges and difficulties as you start workin

What Innovation Can Do To Your Life

It's a talent that everyone has, yet they think they don't. The power of innovation. If you've ever marveled at somebody's creative prowess, guess what, you can create and innovate too. It just takes time. Everyone is born creative. The box of crayons in kindergarten was not limited to those who possessed potential; because the truth is, everybody has potential. You know how long it took to learn to ride a bike or drive or to never commit the same mistake again? It's the same with innovation. It takes a bit of practice and a lot of time before this mind function comes easily when called. This article will teach you a few tips on how to bring innovation into your life. Don't listen to what other people say. Follow the beat of your own drum. Allowing for the input of other people will only bring cacophony to the music you are trying to make. If you have an original idea, don't waste your time and effort trying to make people understand. They won't. And

Improving Yourself

Sometimes, when all our doubts, fears and insecurities wrap ourselves up, we always come up with the idea of “I wish I was somebody else.” More often than not, we think and believe that someone or rather, most people are better than us. When in reality, the fact is, most people are more scared than us. You spot a totally eye-catching girl sitting by herself at a party, casually sipping on a glass of Asti Spumanti. You think to yourself, “She looks so perfectly calm and confident.” But if you could read through her transparent mind, you would see a bunch of clouds of thoughts and you might just be amazed that she’s thinking “are people talking about why I am seated here alone... Why don’t guys find me attractive? …I don’t like my ankles, they look too skinny… I wish I was as intelligent as my best friend.” We look at a young business entrepreneur and say “Wooh… what else could he ask for?” He stares at himself at the mirror and murmur to himself, “I hate my big eyes… I wonder why my